About Us

UK Dance Class Championships (UKDCC) was established in 2016. It is a one day event which is based on the core subjects of Ballet, Tap and Modern. There is also a Commercial Workshop. Competitors can be studying with any dance school, with their Principal’s permission, and under any Examination Board. 

Since the establishment of UKDCC we have had many successful events across the country. Teachers, pupils and spectators have sent amazing feedback to us and we have a very high rate of returning schools and participants. Teachers love that there is no preparation required and that all competitors are on an ‘equal footing’, all having the same choreography, music and similar outfit. Parents have enjoyed seeing their children pick up free sequences in a class setting and the competitors have gained from the experience as it is very useful ‘audition’ technique.

Class Championships

The competitors are split into 6 age groups from 4-17 years and will be taught a short sequence in each genre separately. The Adjudicators will then choose some of them to continue to a semi-final then final in each genre. A trophy and medal will be presented to 1st, 2ndand 3rdplace winners and a medal for 4thto 6thplace (possibly more if Adjudicators choose more to go into a final)

Every child will receive a certificate of participation which will be issued on the day to a Representative from each dance school. 

We encourage all competitors to bring spectators with them on the day for support. A charge of £10 is made for adults and £5 for children to spectate and they will be issued with a wristband or hand stamp which must be shown throughout the day. As it is a formal event it is not advisable for younger children to attend as the competitors need as much silence as possible for their concentration. In addition to this, spectators are politely asked to enter and exit as quietly as possible and at appropriate times. 

We understand that some children excel in some genres more than others, or may not study all genres, so should any child not wish to take part in a chosen genre then this is absolutely fine, but there will be no reduction to the entry fee. UKDCC will need advising before the day if this is the case. 

The current cost is £25 per competitor (£40 Channel Islands)

Payment Details

Payment is by cheque made payable to UKDCC or Bank transfer.

Bank transfer to Account number: 94230043 Sort code: 40-29-08

Cheques are to be sent to 35 Eccleston Road, Orrell Park, Liverpool, L9 8EA

Class numbers

Every competitor will be issued with a number on the day which must be returned. Please bring safety pins in case we run out. Each Principal will be advised of their pupils age groups and numbers in advance and it would aid the smooth running of registration if every competitor knows this. 

There will be a maximum of 75 competitors per age group. Over 35 will be divided into 2 heats.

Adjudicators & Lecturers 

Our Adjudicators are selected for each event from industry Professionals and highly experienced teachers and adjudicators. They will always be impartial, having no links to any competitors that are entered. 

Special Teacher’s Award

Our events are endorsed by Anne Walker MBE. (https://www.annewalker.com)

Anne Walker MBE

Anne has donated a beautiful trophy to each area’s event which is presented on the day to the Teacher who’s pupils receive the most semi-final and final places.

These results are collated by UKDCC team members.


Each competitor must be accompanied by a chaperone as we cannot be responsible for them at any time except for when we line them up before their classes. During lining up we will have official chaperones in attendance. 


The schedule for each event will be finalized approximately 2 weeks before and will be emailed to the Principal of each school. The earliest classes will start will be 8.15am and the latest finish will be 8.30pm. This will differ from venue to venue and will also alter according to the amount of entries. 


Photographs will be taken throughout the day and each Principal gives permission for these to be used in our advertising and public media areas. 


There will be a selection of UKDCC official merchandise such as t.shirts and hoodies on sale on the day. At some events there will be dance wear on sale which will be an independent seller with no connection to UKDCC.

The 6 Month Rule

Rule for all UKDCC Events; If a dancer transfers to another school then they must wait 6 months to enter UKDCC Events unless all parties are happy for them to dance before that time.


UKDCC have become renowned for their fabulous catering- always service with a smile. 

As the day is usually very long we decided to provide a service of a wide range of hot and cold food and drinks all at very reasonable prices. This usually operates from early morning with breakfast items until the very end of the day. 

UKDCC Information Pack